chollida1 4 hours ago | next |

This has happened many times in the past( doesn't work but new reddit does).

Let's calm down and wait a few hours to see if this is just a bad merge on their part.

daedrdev 4 hours ago | prev | next |

All of reddit is now down. Maybe new reddit survived a few minutes off of some sort of cache?

jcrash 4 hours ago | prev | next |

Yes. New reddit is working, but old reddit cannot access subreddits or posts...

I hope this is temporary.

hunter2_ 4 hours ago | root | parent | next |

Interesting to see how large the spike is [0] when new reddit seems to be just fine!


jsheard 4 hours ago | root | parent |

What I'd give to see their dashboard showing how many users are still using old reddit...

hunter2_ 4 hours ago | root | parent |

Totally. Although since my previous comment, the official status page has been updated to mention issues with some non-Old components: "Native Mobile Apps" "Vote Processing" "Comment Processing" so I suppose the DownDetector spike is an unknown combination of people using Old and people using those other things. I assume New web/desktop reddit is able to operate when those functions are degraded by reading from stale cache / faraway regions / other fallbacks, while Old reddit is more directly coupled to those degraded functions.

nsnow70 4 hours ago | prev | next |

Regular reddit doesn't work so I think that's the issue.

spurgu 4 hours ago | root | parent | next |

I thought so too but that's because I'm logged in with setting to use old Reddit. works in incognito.

jghn 4 hours ago | root | parent |

This is the situation I'm seeing. Didn't occur me that old was down because I just have that as my default setting for

miles 4 hours ago | root | parent | prev |

Testing now, I'm able to open links, but not their corresponding links; the latter lead to a page which says "YOU BROKE REDDIT".

flenserboy 4 hours ago | prev | next |

in addition to this, ever since the sequoia update I've been getting security failure errors on reddit which sometimes, & sometimes do not, go away with a page reload

znpy 4 hours ago | prev | next |

oh, i thought it was only me... Farewell reddit, I guess. I'm not going to use the new ui.